
Prayer. There are various reasons we may struggle to focus during prayer, such as having a busy mind or being new to prayer. Sometimes, in moments of deep pain or confusion, crying out the name of our Savior is all we need. We should not let that keep us from the practice of conversing daily with our Father. In His Word, we see how to pray in what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. Let’s break it down further and make it easy to understand.

P – Praise Adonai for all He has done and Worship Him for Who He is. 

R – Repent for all your sins. Agree with His Word, agree to deny your flesh with His help, and live according to His Word. 

A – Ask Him to supply your needs. Remember that He supplies according to His will, riches, and glory -not ours – so you can ask confidently, knowing He will answer in the way that best serves His Kingdom. 

Y – Yield to His way and timing for answering your prayers. It might not be the way we want or like, but it will be what He needs for us and others. Commit to trusting His plans over our desires, asking Adonai to change your desire to conform to His will. Enduring temporary pain, like Yeshua on the cross, results in incomparable eternal outcomes.