Praying Psalm 23

Thank You for being my Shepherd; my protector. I know that You provide for my every need before I ever know of it. Thank You for giving me rest and provision. You are the One Who refreshes my body and mind. You guide me on the tracks of righteousness, not because I have earned it or am worthy but in honor of Your holy character and nature. Even in the darkest moments of trial and pain You are with me and so I will not be afraid. Help me grab hold of Your peace if I stray from it, knowing Your rod and staff guides me, corrects me, and defends me. Thank You for Your blessings which are so great even those who wish me harm can see it. As those blessings overflow in my life, help me to extend Your mercy and grace to others and to pray for those who would harm me in any way. Thank you for your beautiful kindness, goodness, favor, and mercy that will be with me all of my life. Because of Your unfailing love I choose to follow You and make Your Home and Presence the place I live forever. In Jesus name, Amen.

Read Psalm 23 Here